Stichting tot Behoud van Af te voeren Nederlands Spoorwegmaterieel (STIBANS)
Please click on the bold object description to view more detailed information.

Founded in | 1979 |
Gauge | 1435 mm |
Homepage | Homepage for STIBANS (externe link) |
Click here for more information about STIBANS (Information on this site)
> Closed goods wagon 01 84 225 0 002-3 | 1963 (Werkspoor) | 2 | |
> Closed goods wagon 01 84 225 0 120-3 | 1963/1964 (Werkspoor) | 2 | |
> Open goods wagon 40 84 949 2 832 | () | 2 | |
> Storage wagon 157 109 | 1933 (Allan, Rotterdam) | 2'2' |
4 objects found.
Data maintained by:
Tim Goorman, email: timgoorman(a)
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